Friday, March 15, 2013

Entering the world of Fofuchas

A couple years ago my daughter received a gift from her grandmother. It looked handcrafted and of course very cute. I said to myself, "I can make this." But with lack of time and everything else I decided to just display it. The doll was made out of foamie but the foamie was 3 dimensional not flat so I was left wondering. Last month the doll caught my eye again and I said, "hmmm, it's time for a challenge." I knew this doll was from South America I just had to pin point some type of instruction so I can run with it. Luckily, I stumbled onto the instructions in Spanish or Portuguese. Speaking the language has helped of course to better understand the craft and technique. I must say I have a new passion! I have started with hair barrettes but I am ready to move on to a full size doll, so come back often because the fofucha journey has just begun!

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